Lancaster Select

  • Charming patchwork Nativity scene with great fabric selections. Note the Amish tradition of omitting facial details. Well made by local Amish woman with outstanding quilting. Includes a sleeve for a hanging rod.
  • Wonderful take on the patchwork Christmas tree. We especially like the use of the triangular pieces and the superb fabric selections. The boughs are realistic dark mossy green. The golden star glistens and the tree looks as if it were freshly cut from a forest! Made by a local Amish woman. Includes a sleeve for a hanging rod. A wonderful quilt for your foyer.
  • A lovely tree that won't drop a needle! The patchwork ornaments are very special. Note the care taken with the piecing and all the wonderful quilting. Gorgeous fabric selections. Made in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by an Amish woman. Includes a sleeve for a hanging rod.