We define Amish Country as the geographical area surrounding Lancaster, Pennsylvania and including the neighboring counties. Most visitors to this area go away with pleasant memories of Amish buggies and farmers plowing fields with mules, instead of tractors.
The traditions and life style of the Amish community have a positive influence on all who live here. Their successful long term commitment to their families and the land they farm, their modesty, and their avoidance of technology shows that there is an alternative to the way most of us live.
But there is more to this area than the Amish. Many Scots, Germans, Welsh, French and English were also in the first waves of immigrants that came to Lancaster. During colonial days Lancaster’s ethnic and religious diversity fostered a tolerance and harmony forged out of necessity, making a united effort against the relentless frontier. But the diversity remained and flourished with vigor and richness.
Each of these early groups of immigrants brought cultures,traditions and skills that continue to influence their kin to this day. This vigorous rich diversity is reflected in our artists and artisans.
For more information on things to do and see in and around the Pennsylvania Dutch Country and Lancaster County contact the Pennsylvania Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau toll-free at 1-800-PA-DUTCH. And don’t forget to ask for your free copy of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country Map And Visitor’s Guide when you call!